Become a Planter
Our environment is deteriorating at an unparalleled rate. In the next 40 to 50 years, we may lose enough topsoil to leave the ground inefficient for agriculture. Deforestation is occurring at an alarming rate all throughout the world, owing to a combination of natural and human factors. Biodiversity loss has a variety of effects on our ecosystem, including harming lives and revenue. The rate of desertification is increasing, placing strain on our food system.
A case in point is SDG 15 which aims to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”. All of them can't be dealt separately because they all have an impact on SDGs 2, 3, and 6. Because all 17 SDGs are intertwined in some way, any attempt to address one has a direct influence on the other 16.
Is there any single activity that has a direct influence on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals? "Yes," is the answer. Planting trees addresses all 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals in one shot (SDGs). That’s why “Become A Planter” holds an important place in FloCard’s portfolio of integrated solutions.
Become a PlanterWhy to Become a Planter?
Trees are essential not only for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals but also for combating climate change. A global effort is required to restore the harm previously done and manage the carbon neutral, net zero, or climate positive tag. Every person, every action, and every tree matters in the fight against climate change. FloCard's "Become a Planter" purpose is to raise awareness about the benefits of tree planting, recognize trees as an asset, and create a system to reward tree planters for their dedication to a better world.
Become a planter is a default feature that anyone can use after creating a profile at FloCard. Become a planter enables an individual to perform following action:
- Use a worldwide map to tag, track, and trace their plantation.
- Track the plantation's progress throughout its existence.
- Label one or more trees
- Earn a share of the return from a carbon offset or carbon credit based on the number of trees an individual owns and tags (Coming soon)
- Earn a reward for planting even one tree, which is impossible to do outside of the FloCard system (Coming soon)
- Use FloCard to become a worldwide climate change advocate.
- Collaborate with friends or other individual planters to create an online farm.
- Make a direct commitment to all 17 SDGs by just planting trees.
- Tag an entire farm or cluster of trees or biodiversity
FloCard will soon provide its planters with wisdom and information to help them avoid frequent plantation mistakes such as not planting native trees, picking water-intensive species, choosing fire-prone trees, replacing agricultural activities on fertile land with tree plantation for quick cash, and so on.